Simple GUI in MATLAB guide

Here, an example of GUI creation utilizing GUIDE in MATLAB. Lay out and program of simple GUI were shown in Figure 1 and 2
Figure 1. Lay out design.

Figure 2. The testmenu program to open and display RGB image.

Please download m-file, fig-file and image. >>> Download1, Download2

Linear regression and R square in MATLAB

%Here, sample code for linear regression and R square calculation
close all
clear all
%---------- generate x-data and y-data ---------
%----------- Linear regression -----------------
p= polyfit(x,y,1);
f= polyval(p,x);
%----------- Call R-square function ------------

%------------- Plot data -----------------------
plot(x,y,'*k');hold on
plot(x,f,'-r'); % show linear fit
ylabel('Intensity a.u.');
title('Test: Linear regreesion && R-square');
%------- Show y-data on current figure ---------
[row col]=size(y);
for i=1:col
text(x(i),y(i),str,'Color',[0 0 1]);
%--Show linear equation on current figure -------
text(1.05,80,['y= ',m1,'x+',c1,' , R^2= ',Rsquare1,'.'],'FontSize',10,'FontName','Times New Roman');

save source code in function file

%---------The function return R-square value -------------
%--------- input data ==> x-data, y-data and p-data ----
%--------- output data ==> r2
function [r2]=Rsquare(x,y,p)


Browse file in MATLAB

% Here, example source code for browse image file from any where, then show the image.
close all
clear all
[F,PathName,FilterIndex] = uigetfile({'*.*','All Files(*.*)'}, 'Select your File ');
loadimage = strcat(PathName,F);
input = importdata(loadimage);
%------------ Display --------------
image(input); axis off
title('Original image');

Image Processing

What is Image Processing?

"Image Processing involves changing the nature of an image for interprets image data to human understanding”

Alasdair McAndraw

Image Processing with MATLAB (Basic)

In this section: We processing the image with MATLAB code.
We will start with the basic and to make progress to advance level together.

MATLAB: lesson1 "load image to MATLAB"

Getting Start
Don't forget "The file must be in the current directory or on the MA
TLAB path"
(In this blog Comment are green texts start after %(comment))

:reads a greyscale or color image from the file specified by the string 'filename'

Note: Please download bubbles.jpg to your computer first (ex. E:\Blog)

Example 1
read image
>>M=imread('bubbles.jpg'); %(imread returns the image-file data in the array 'M')

View this image with

%(displays the intensity image M)
%(displays the intensity image M)

like this Fig.

Example 2

read image sequence
download This File to your computer first
(this contain image01.tif-image05.tif & Read_image_Series.m)
clear all

b = 1;
%(first image)
npic = 5;
%( last image)
for i=b:npic;

str = num2str(i); %(convert number 'i' to string)
name = strcat('','image0',str,'.tif');
%(('','image0',str,'.tif') :''=directory contain file.'image0'=incomplete file name. str = string mean that 1.'.tif'= file format all of this mean that name is image0str.tif=image01.tif)
MAT = imread(name);
%( reserve figure)
%(display image name)
%( show title in each image with the no.)


:Read an Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) file

Example 3
read avi file
download avi file to your computer


Example 4
make avi file
download Image Series to your computer

clear all

b = 16;

npic = 60;
mov = avifile('MakeVi01.avi') %MakeVi01.avi name of avi-file save to your comp.
for i=b:npic;
str = num2str(i);
name = strcat('ImageSe/','SPT200',str,'.tif'); % ex. image1.tiff : (file name= 'SPT200')
MAT = imread(name);
axis off;

F(i) = getframe(gca);
mov = addframe(mov,F(i));
mov = close(mov)


MATLAB: lesson2
"Filtering in MATLAB"

:Y= filter2(filter,image,shape)
:returns the part of Y specified by the shape parameter. shape is a string
with one of these values:

'full' Returns the full two-dimensional correlation. In this case, Y is larger than X.

'same' (default) Returns the central part of the correlation. In this case, Y is the same size as X.

'valid' Returns only those parts of the correlation that are computed without zero-padded edges. In this case, Y is smaller than X

Example 1
download file

>> clear all
>> a=imread('cute01.tif');
>> imshow(a);

>> Fil=fspecial('average');% function f
special is one(3,3)/9
>> aFilter=filter2(Fil,a);
>> imshow(aFilter/255);

Image Series

Image Processing: Application to Dynamics Experiment

Biophysics Application Approach

One of important applications of image processing are in the areas of biophysical image processing. For example; study a trajectory path of drug delivery in living cell; study dynamics of nuclear in living cell; measure transport properties of bead in cytoskeletons network etc.

Particle Tracking:
Image processing technique used to follow the spot-like particle. The result from this technique is a positions of spot-like particle (or trajectory of spot-like particle). Most of this technique used to classification of motion and calculate transport properties.

Single Particle Tracking

Technique is used to adjacent to single particle or small cluster molecule, as a result positions of particle which is reveal the behavior of the particle.

Dynamics Theory : Diffusion through Mean Square Displacement (MSD)

Neville E. Sanjana lecture "Brownian motion is named for Robert Brownian, who published a paper on his observations of pollen particles. "

For more detail

Stochastic papers...>>>(Prof. Hanggi)